Stefano and the most beautiful female dog bred by us ever Natasha di casa Beggiato (the future of our breeding)!
22-11-15 Competition at SAS Malpensa Buddy di casa Beggiato at his debut 1st in the JHKL male class judged by Rieker.
20-9-15 Italian championship SAS; Stefano and grandfather Beggiato with Robin di casa Beggiato in the GHKL male class
20-09-15 Italian championship SAS; Stefano, Piero and Paolo with Nox and Robin di casa Beggiato in the GHKL male class.
20-9-15 Italian championship SAS; breeding of casa Beggiato, is presented for the 12th times consecutively (world's record in the absolute) 5th place (in the first five place in the last five years).
20-9-15 Italian championship SAS; Tuja di casa Beggiato and Letizia, STRONG AND PISSED!!!
20-9-15 Italian championship SAS; Nicholas di casa Beggiato, 10th in the JHKL male class.
20-9-15 Italian championship SAS; Natasha and Noa di casa Beggiato, 10th and 11th in the JHKL female class.
20-9-15 Italian championship SAS; Natasha di casa Beggiato 10th in the JHKL female class.
20-9-15 Italian championship SAS; social dinner.
20-9-15 Italian championship SAS; amazing breeding group of Danko di casa Beggiato.
20-9-15 Italian Championship SAS; Vittoria and Christina.
20-9-15 Italian championship SAS; Stefano, Catia and Vittoria.
20-09-15 Italian championship SAS; grandfather Beggiato in action our super photographer.
20-09-15 Italian championship SAS; grandfather Beggiato with the friend Aldo, the two super photographers.
20-09-15 Italian championship SAS; part of the Team of casa Beggiato.
20-09-15 Italian championship SAS; Iork di casa Beggiato 7th in the juniores male class with Stefano and his trainer Katia Tessarollo.
20-9-15 Italian championship SAS; Iork di casa Beggiato, just entry in the class (at 6 months), at his first competition, 7th in the juniores class.
20-9-15 Italian championship SAS; Rubj dei Templari with our super Rocco, 9th excellent.
20-9-15 Italian championship SAS; Nox dei campi Robbiati excellent in the GHKL male class.
Stefano, Catia and our great friend Luigi Bertin in our breeding.
6-9-15 World championship Sv at Nuremberg; finally the competition is finished, after a great team work during all the year, Tuja di casa Beggiato is the 25th excellent after a brilliant defence test.
6-9-15 World championship Sv at Nuremberg; Tuja di casa Beggiato with her super trainer Letizia Augusto.
6-9-15 World championship Sv at Nuremberg; Tuja di casa Beggiato with Stefano V 25 in the GHKL female class.
6-9-15 World championship Sv at Nuremberg; the Team of casa Beggiato celebrates this days whether we win and also whether we lose.
6-9-15 World championship Sv at Nuremberg; Team of casa Beggiato in the stands.
6-9-15 World championship Sv at Nuremberg; Stefano, Cristina and Vittoria
15-8-15 Nausicaa di casa Beggiato while moving at the Austrian championship in the JHKL female class... STUPEFYING !!!
19-7-15 Competition W. Gorrieri; during the JHKL
19-7-15 Competition W. Gorrieri, Team of casa Beggiato
19-7-15 Trofeo W.Gorrieri, Stefano e Biby
2- 19-7-15 Competition W. Gorrieri, Fiona di casa Beggiato during her first show, 4th in the juniores female class with 37 dogs in the same class.
12-7-15 Aldingen, Germany, Leon di casa Beggiato with Stefano, Rocco and Paolo, 1st JHKL class judged by H.P. Rieker.
15/02/15 Biberach, GERMANY. LG13. First show of the season: LEON di Casa Beggiato 1' JKL at his debut, son of Danko, NAUSICAA di Casa Beggiato 2' JKL... Judge H. P. Rieker.
- 15/02/15 Biberach, GERMANY. LG13. Stefano and Vittoria before the show.
15/02/15 Biberach, GERMANY. LG13. LEON di Casa Beggiato 1' JKL at his debut, son of Danko, judge H. P. Rieker.
29/11/14 Twice selections at SAS Firenze for "THE BREEDING OF CASA BEGGIATO": ROBIN di Casa Beggiato and QUIXI di Casa Beggiato, just come out from the JHKL class at the championship, just selection. Judge F. Gazzetta. Athletic trainers Carlotta Benini and Piero Minutella.
Gang di Casa Beggiato selections with his trainer Giovanna Nervo.
08/03/15 Luna di Casa Beggiato with Vittoria at the good debut of the season at Firenze with the judge of the world championship Nordsiek.
01/03/15 Stefano and Vittoria at the first show of the season judged by Stefano at Reggio Calabria.
15/03/15 Show at SAS Piave - DANKO di Casa Beggiato with Stefano 1' GHKL class. Judge: Bochicchio.
15/03/15 Show SAS Piave, OLLY di Casa Beggiato 3' JKL class ( of 12 dogs, daughter of Danko). Judge: Bochicchio.
-15/03/15 Show at SAS Piave, Katia and Pietro Tessarollo.
-22/03/15 Show at SAS Borgosesia. NAUSICAA di Casa Beggiato. SG 1 JKL (of 11 dogs). Judge Paffoni. RUN BABY RUN...
-22/03/15 Show at SAS Borgosesia. NAUSICAA di Casa Beggiato on the podium.
-22/03/15 Show at SAS Borgosesia. NAUSICAA di Casa Beggiato at the end of the show with Stefano, Debora and her athletic trainer Paolo.
-22/03/15 Show at SAS Borgosesia. ROBIN di Casa Beggiaro at his debut in the GHKL class, V3, judge Musolino.
-22/03/15 Show at SAS Borgosesia. ROBIN di Casa Beggiato at his good debut in the GHKL class, on the podium. Judge Musolino.
-22/03/15 Show at SAS Borgosesia. Team "CASA BEGGIATO", party with friends...
-26/04/15 Show at SAS W. Gorrieri, NOX dei Campi Robbiati, 2' in the GHKL class at only 24 months, at his debut. Judge Bochicchio.
-26/04/15 Stefano and Vittoria with Leyla and Olly di Casa Beggiato in the JKL class at the show at SAS W. Gorrieri.
-26/04/15 Vittoria, Rocco and Leyla di Casa Beggiato with Stefano, Katia and Olly di Casa Beggiato in the JKL class at the show at SAS W. Gorrieri. 2' and 4' in a super class.
-26/04/15 Stefano and Nulla di Casa Beggiato in training at the show at SAS W. Gorrieri.
- 26/04/15 Vittoria and Katia at the show at SAS W. Gorrieri.
-26/04/15 Vittoria, Katia, Angelo and Pietro at the show at SAS W. Gorrieri.
-26/04/15 SAS Siena Gallo Nero, Judge: Di Girolamo. Letizia pass the IPO 3 with Tuja at only 2 years, super Tuja, super Lety...
-10-5-15 Team CASA BEGGIATOat the show in Genova
-10/05/15 TUJA di Casa Beggiato with Stefano at her debut in the shows in the adult class after her IPO 3. Show at SAS Genova. Judge Bricchi.
10/05/15 NATASHA di Casa Beggiato, 1' at the show at SAS Genova in the JKL class at her debut of the season. Judge Bricchi. Athletic trainer Vittoria Beggiato.
-10/05/15 NATASHA di Casa Beggiato with Stefano and Vittoria at the end of the show.
-10/05/15 NATASHA di Casa Beggiato with her athletic trainer Vittoria at the end of the show
-24/05/15 Show at SAS San Vito al Tagliamento, NOX dei Campi Robbiati with Paolo, 1' at the adult class at only 24 months. Judge: Nobili. Athletic trainer: Ferrari Andrea, Udine.
-24/05/15 Show at SAS San Vito al Tagliamento, NAUSICAA di Casa Beggiato with Pietro Pisacane. 1' at the JKL class. Judge: Nobili.
-24/05/15 Show at SAS San Vito al Tagliamento, NAUSICAA di Casa Beggiato with Pietro Pisacane and Paolo at the end of the show.
-24/05/15 Show at SAS San Vito al Tagliamento, OLLY di Casa Beggiato with our friend Mimmo Cacozza. 2' at the JKL class. Judge: Nobili.
-1-2 May 2015, Stefano judges the Russian Championship at Smolensk.
-24/05/15 Training for young people of SAS, with a group of professional. SAS Firenze.
-Bruce di Casa Beggiato at his first attack.
-The little Folk and the little Alberto during the first training together at the camp...
-04/06/15 TUJA di Casa Beggiato with Stefano V9 of 32 dogs at OG Bad Boll with the judge of the world championship Boesl. Athletic trainer Maria letizia Augusto.
-BRUCE di Casa Beggiato at Bad Boll, only 7 months but much enthusiasm...
-BRUCE di Casa Beggiato at Bad Boll, with Stefano and his co-owner, our great friend Michaela Maier