Leon di casa Beggiato, V 1, 1' GHKL Italian championship SAS 2016 at just 2 years, 4/4.
8/9-10-16 The catalog of Championship Shows New Zealand 2016.
17-9-16 Stefano judges for the second time the Italian Championship SAS, JKL female class.
17-9-16 Championship technical meeting SAS 2016 Bagnolo in Piano.
18-9-16 LEON di casa Beggiato, V 1, 1' GHKL at the Italian championship SAS 2016 with his super trainer Paolo and his super handler Steffen Staub.
18-9-16 Dream Team of LEON di casa Beggiato, at just 2 years V 1, 1' GHKL at the SAS championship 2016.
18-9-16 Dream Team of LEON di casa Beggiato, at just 2 years V 1, 1' GHKL at the SAS championship 2016.
17-9-16 Danko di casa Beggiato presents for the second time his breeding group at the SAS championship.
18-9-16 NATASHA di casa Beggiato with Paolo and Steffen, V 2, 2' GHKL SAS championship 2016 at just 2 years.
18-9-16 NATASHA di casa Beggiato with her super handler Steffen Staub, V 2, 2' GHKL SAS championship 2016 at just 2 years.
18-9-16 Winner POKER NATASHA di casa Beggiato with her trainer Christina, Paolo and Steffen, V 2, 2' GHKL SAS championship 2016 at just 2 years.
18-9-16 TEAM CASA BEGGIATO at the GHKL female class entry: 4 of 4 dogs pass well the defence test in the GHKL class, FANTASTIC !!!
18-9-16 TEAM of Jade di CASA BEGGIATO at the entry of the GHKL female class.
16-9-16 Jade di casa Beggiato pass brilliantly 3/4 the defence test at the SAS championship 2016, a sincere thanks to Maria Letizia Augusto, Gabriele Baglini and to the whole Gallo Nero SAS from Siena.
17-9-16 Vittoria, Katia and Maria Letizia at SAS championship 2016.
Stefano, Vittoria, Katia, Maria Letizia and our friend Helmut Weininger at SAS championship 2016.
Buddy di casa Beggiato with his super handler Steffen Staub, 13' JHKL class at SAS championship 2016.
At the end of SAS championship 2016 some relaxation.....
4-9-16 Stefano, Vittoria and our fabulous Christina Untemberg at the exit of the satisfactory defence test passed with NATASHA di casa Beggiato. Four generations that have passed the defense test at SV world championships, thus entering merit in the leading SV places.
Great-grandmother Gaia, grandmother Carlotta and mother Rania have ALL subsequently obtained the title of Auslese SAS.
Just a huge thank to Christina, trainer of 3 of these 4 magnificent bitches.
NÜRNBERG, TEAM of NATASHA di casa Beggiato at SV world championship.
4-9-16 Stefano and Vittoria with Natasha di casa Beggiato just turned 2 years, V 29 at SV world championship 2016.
24-9-16 Geisha di casa Beggiato, V 1 e best dog in show.LG Bergen,Norvegia. giudice : Svein Vagle, proprietario Arild Andersen e conduttore Tom Stølen
25-9-16 A long night before the departure to judge in Australia and New Zealand.
1-2-10-16 AUSTRALIA. Canberra 2016.
Welcomed to judge with full honours. Thank Australia.
2-10-16 AUSTRALIA. Canberra, Sieger Labo von Schollweier judged by: Stefano Beggiato.
8-10-16 New Zealand 2016.
Cambridge. Sieger Falken dei Precision, Vicesieger Yester von Feuermelder, brother of Yankee. Siegerin GHKL female class Brenda del Frutteto. Judge: Stefano Beggiato.
23-10-16 Leon di casa Beggiato, handled by Pasquale Schipani, wins the show at SAS Concordia, Modena, GHKL class, judge: Pesole.
16-10-2016 Show at SAS Trecastagni, Sicily. ZARA di casa Beggiato, 2' NHKL class, handled by our friend Randazzo, judge: Musolino.
GREAT! KATIA TESSAROLLO, 16 years old, brilliantly surpasses the defense test at the Austrian Championship with Olly di Casa Beggiato. It wins the prestigious result of 2' excellent GHKL class.
Team Beggiato at Austrian Championship 2016.
36 31-7-16 Team casa Beggiato in action at the show at SAS Bergamo.
31-7-16 Show at SAS Bergamo, Leon di casa Beggiato 1' at his debut in GHKL class, giudice: Pesole.
2-7-16 Stefano and Vittoria during the dinner of the Youth SAS, Ragusa.
3-7-2016 Youth Italian SAS championship, ZARA di casa Beggiato, 1' siegerin Juniores class handled by Vittoria, judge: Musolino.
18-6-16 Selection at SAS Valdoglio BS, in order to beat our record of number of dogs with our affixed presented in a single test, also the old sage took in the field. 7 dogs in one shot.
- Leon, Robin, Nausicaa, Trisha, Noasy, Luna e Leyla di casa Beggiato.
12-6-16 Stefano giudica al raduno SAS Valdoglio Brescia.
12-6-16 Stefano, Luciano and our great collaborator Luigi Bertin at the show at SAS Valdoglio, Brescia.
12-06-2016 Olly di casa Beggiato 3' classified at her second time in GHKL class, at the show at SAS Valdoglio, judge: Schweimer Hans Peter.
5-6-16 Young handlers stage at SAS Lombardia.
5-6-16 Stefano, Vittoria and Thomas di casa Beggiato at young handlers stage SAS Lombardia.
2-6-16 Stefano with H.P. Rieker and L. Musolino at W. Gorrieri competition.
2-6-16 THOMAS di casa Beggiato. 8 months vicesieger at W. Gorrieri competition in Juniores class, judge of Italian championship: Di Festa.
2-6-16 VERA di casa Beggiato. 8 months vicesiegerin at W. Gorrieri competition in Juniores class, judge L. Quoll (27 competitors in ring).
2-6-16 And after two vicesieger at W. Gorrieri competition: LET'S EAT!!!
Stefano, Catia and our great friend Luigi Berti in the breeding.
26-5-16 BETSABEA di casa Beggiato 1' JHKL OG BAD BOLL, winning debut in german land, judge: Hohman.
22-5-16 Show at SAS Karalis, Sardinia, Raika di casa Beggiato 1' NHKK class with Teresa Pinna.
8-5-16 THOMAS di casa Beggiato. 7 months, 2' at the show at SAS Firenze, judge of the italian championship: Di Festa.
1-5-16 Stefano judges at the show at SAS Marcianise, Napoli.
24-4-16 VERA di casa Beggiato. 7 mesi , 1’ al raduno SAS Piave, Treviso, giudice: Bochicchio.
23-4-16 Vittoria at the Youth stage in Tuscany: occasionally it's good to get in the game!
17-4-16 VERA di casa Beggiato. 6,5 months show at SAS Perugia 1' Juniores class Judge: Capelli.
17-4-16 VERA di casa Beggiato. 6,5 months show at SAS Perugia 1' Juniores class Judge: Capelli.
16-4-2016 Team Beggiato; we begin the competitions like this!
10-4-16 Stefano judges the Italian selection for Universalsieger 2016.
3-4-16 During the shows we like also have fun...
23-3-16 THOMAS di casa Beggiato, 6 months at his debut 1' show at SAS Verona.
Judge: Bochicchio.
23-3-16 THOMAS di casa Beggiato victorious at his debut with Stefano, Catia, Leo and Luca.
20-3-16 Vera di casa Beggiato 1' at the show at SAS LEGNAGO VERONA.
20-3-16 Team Beggiato at the show at SAS LEGNAGO VERONA.
20-3-16 Buddy di casa Beggiato 1' at the show at SAS LEGNAGO VERONA judge: Bochicchio.
17-3-16 VERA di casa Beggiato: simply fantastic.
13-3-2016 A few weekends as a judge, a few weekends as a competitor and a few weekends as an obstetrician.
12-3-16 Stefano and Catia in the centre with the little prince.
6-3-16 Stefano judges the show at SAS Messina, Sicilia.