Seminar National Special Judges SV-WUSV 28th-30th November 2017 Augsburg Deutschland. "Stefano appointed WUSV judge"
12-3-2018 BEGGIATO’s team Sas Concordia show Modena Italy. Leon di casa Beggiato 3rd behind other 2 Auslese. Ludwig di casa Beggiato 2nd in JHKL.
25-3-2018 "Casa BEGGIATO" team at the Sas Firenze show. LEON di casa Beggiato 1st GHKJ class, winner of the TROPHY L. PAPPARELLA judge: Paffoni. LUDWIG di casa Beggiato 1st in the JHKL class (Goran von Bierstadter hof) judge: Gazzetta.
2nd April 2018 Bellheim Germany, Stefano passes the practical examination of WUSV judge with the responsible for breeding of the world judge L. Quoll
Casa Beggiato’s team at the Sas Bergamo show 22-4-2018
22-4-2018 Sas Bergamo show, EMANUEL of Beggiato. 1st class JKL males at his 2018 debut in a competitive class, SG 1 in JKL, judge Hans-Peter Rieker
S.A.S Valpadana 12th May 2018 selection test judge Capetti Salvatore Dana di casa Beggiato Selected Leon di casa Beggiato Korkl Lebenzeit
20-05-2018 S.A.S Bassa Friuliana Show SAMANTHA di casa Beggiato, 1st NWKL class Judge Capetti,
ACHTUNG di casa Beggiato 1st JKL class judge Paffoni, FIONA of house Beggiato 1st GHKL class judge Capetti
20-05-2018 S.A.S Bassa Friuliana show ACHTUNG di Casa Beggiato 1st JKL class, 13 dogs in ring. Judge Paffoni
20-05-2018 S.A.S Bassa Friulana show GHKL females 1st FIONA di casa Beggiato sto her debut, judge Capetti
2-6-2018 SAS W. Gorrieri GHKL females 7th in a beautiful and numerous class of championship FIONA di casa Beggiato, judge L. Quoll. Lets move on.....
2-6-2018 SAS W. Gorrieri trophy. 4th ( started 2nd) out of 50 subscribers and 35 present in JKL females, just entered the class .... IUNDA di Casa Beggiato (Ulkan von Maikus x Ruby dei Templari, same mother of Auslese Sas LEON di casa Beggiato) judge: Zygadto.
10-6-2018 SAS Longobarda show JKL males 1st ACHTUNG di Casa Beggiato (son of LEON) - JKL females, 15 subjects in ring Ulme delle Tre Basiliche (Daughter of LEON) 2nd - Baby males 1st CHARRO di Casa Beggiato Judge: M. Pianelli
17-6-18 Germany Og Aldingen, Vera di Beggiato V 3rd GHKL class, Ulme delle Tre Basiliche (daughter of Leon) SG 3rd class JKL in 2 classes with very high quality subjects. Judge H.P. Rieker.
30/6-1/7 2018 Stefano judges the SIEGERSCHAU IN THE NETHERLANDS on the border with Germany.
7-7-18 Swiss Championship 2018. 3rd AUSLESE 2018 LEON DI CASA BEGGIATO
7-7-18 Swiss Championship ELODY of Beggiato (LEON's daughter), Vicesiegerin, has been siegerin almost the whole competition, class JKL f. 15 subjects in the ring. Judge R. Rudin. Sister of EMANUEL ...... Hälter: Lorenzo Pedrani
8-7-2018 Sas Tricolore
FIONA di casa Beggiato, passes Ipo 2 händler Lese Dinu, judges Barbanera and Roman,
owner Abeni Massimo
15-7-18 Landesgruppen Zuchtschau Waghäusel. ULME delle Tre Basiliche (daughter of VA Sas LEON di Casa Beggiato) 3rd out of 30 subscribers and 25 in ring, judge of the world championship. Dr. Lauber Hälter: Massimo Abeni and Ezio Gussago
22-7-18 Landesgruppen Zuchtschau Vöhringen, Bayern Süd. YASABEL di casa Beggiato, 6th out of 25 subscribers in a beautiful GHKL class, before of numerous top subjects of the GHKL and JHKL classes of the last world championships and Italian championship, judge of the world championship Teubert.
10th-11th August 2018 Austrian SIEGERSCHAU. In 2 high quality and very numerous JHKL classes with the 2 judges of the German siegerschau, 3 sons of LEON di Casa Beggiato in the first 13 places. Among these EMANUEL di Casa Beggiato 10th, Elody di Casa Beggiato 13th and UBER delle tre Basiliche 5th. Judges Rieker and Lauber
12th August 2018. Germany, Langgöns's last pre-season. JHKL class 42 dogs, competitive class. Judge Rieker. AHLBORN of Beggiato 10th, ACHTUNG of Beggiato 14th.
SAS Anxanum 08/18/2018 QUASKAL di Casa Beggiato and Tecla di Casa Beggiato pass the selection, judge Di Festa.
25-8-18 GERMANY, Zuchtschau Viernheim. YASABEL di Casa Beggiato 4th GHKL class in a beautiful class. Judge of the next Italian championship L. Quoll.
25-8-18 Zuchtschau Viernheim. AHLBORN di casa Beggiato, only 19 months (son of LEON di casa Beggiato) 2nd JHKL class before excellent dogs. Judge Lauber.
26-8-18 Zuchtschau Isny. THOMAS di casa Beggiato 3rd GHKL class, judge Rieker AHLBORN and ACHTUNG di Casa Beggiato (sons of LEON di Casa Beggiato), 4th and 5th in an extremely competitive class, judge Lang ELODIE di Casa Beggiato (daughter of LEON di casa Beggiato ) 1st JHKL class judge Rieker.
Siegerschau Nürnberg World Championships 7-8-9 / 9/2018
THOMAS di casa Beggiato V 29 Ghkl
YASABEL di casa Beggiato V 17 Ghkl
EVITA di casa Beggiato V 47 Ghkl
AHLBORN di casa Beggiato SG 22
ULME delle tre Basiliche SG 33
RANIA di casa Beggiato presented its reproductive group -MUTTERFAMILIE- awarded for the TYPE and for presenting 6 subjects from 5 different litters with the presence of 3 subjects in the GHKL class who have all brilliantly passed the character test.
4 sons of our Auslese SAS LEON di casa Beggiato in the first group in the first 50 placements of which 3 in the first 33 placements, UBER delle Tre Basiliche SG 9 Jhkl, AHLBORN di casa Beggiato SG 22, ULME delle Tre Basiliche SG 33, ACHTUNG di casa Beggiato SG 48.
Evita di casa Beggiato, 47th excellent BSZS Nuremberg 2018 !!!!!
Thomas di Casa Beggiato 29th excellent at his debut in the GHKL class males NUREMBERG 2018
Ahlborn di casa Beggiato SG 22 JHKL R SV 2018
Yasabel di casa Beggiato V 17 GHKL H SV 2018
BEGGIATO TEAM at the FCI World Championship IPO 2018. That's right, we're still here ... (invasion of the orange)
Italian Championship SAS 2018.
CASA BEGGIATO, 1st best Italian breeding 2018
Wonderful Reproduction group of our Auslese LEON of Beggiato, with 4 sons in the first 5 placements .
THOMAS di Casa Beggiato Auslese GHKL class
YASABEL di Casa Beggiato 6th excellent and rewarded among the best attacks GHKL class
AHLBORN di Casa Beggiato (son of Leon) 2nd, vicesieger class JHKL
ULME delle Tre Basiliche (daughter of Leon) 5th JHKL class
IUNDA di casa Beggiato 8th very JKL class
TEMPEST di Casa Beggiato (daughter of Leon) 5th classe NWKL
BIJOUX di Casa Beggiato (daughter of Thomas) 7th juniores class
ALMOND di Casa Beggiato (son of Leon) 1st, sieger JHKL class longhair
21-9-18 Italian Championship SAS. STORM di Casa Beggiato (daughter of LEON di Casa Beggiato) at his first appearance, 5th NWKL class, Judge Capetti.
21-9-18 Italian Championship SAS. BIJOUX di casa Beggiato (daughter of THOMAS di Casa Beggiato) at her first appearance, 7th Juniores Class, Judge. Motz Henri
21-9-18 Italian Championship SAS. ALMOND di casa Beggiato (son of LEON di Casa Beggiato) Sieger, 1st JHKL class longhaired, Judge Gazzetta.
23-9-18 Italian SAS Championship. AHLBORN di Casa Beggiato (son of LEON di Casa Beggiato) 2nd Vicesieger JHKL class, Judge Paffoni.
23-9-18 Ulme Delle Tre Basiliche Sg5 (daughter of Leon di casa Beggiato) Italian championship SAS, 5th class JHKL females
23-9-18 Italian SAS Championship. YASABEL di casa Beggiato 6th excellent and awarded among the best GHKL class attacks
23-9-18 Italian SAS Championship. THOMAS di Casa Beggiato, proclaimed AUSLESE SAS 2018
Italian Championship SAS 2018
The breeding group of our Auslese LEON DI CASA BEGGIATO has been wonderful..... At its 1st presentation, we remember the best sons of this season:
UBER Delle Tre Basiliche Sg 9 Jhkl SV 2018
AHLBORN di Casa Beggiato vicesieger Jhkl Sas and Sg 22 SV 2018
EMANUEL di Casa Beggiato SG 10 Jhkl SVO and SG 20 Sas 2018
ACHTUNG di Casa Beggiato SG 48 Jhkl SV 2018 and SG 30 Sas 2018
ALMOND di Casa Beggiato Sieger Jhkl long hair Sas 2018
ULME Delle Tre Basiliche Sg 5 Jhkl SAS and Sg 32 SV 2018-
ELODIE di Casa Beggiato vicesiegerin Jhkl Switzerland 2018
TECLA di Casa Beggiato SG 36 Jhkl Sas 2018
DAFNE di Chiaromantello winner of the trophy W. Gorrieri as best subject born and bred in Italy
TEMPEST di Casa Beggiato VV 5 NWKL class Sas 2018
SAMANTHA di casa Beggiato VV 18 NWKL class Sas 2018
JACQUELYNE di Casa Beggiato VV 23 NWKL class Sas 2018
JAMILA di Casa Beggiato VV 34 NWKL class Sas 2018
December 8th 2018, Stefano judges a great event in São Paulo, BRAZIL.
Sao José Dos Campos. Campeonato Sudeste 2018 BRASIL